September 2015



1. The past: robust statistics

2. The present: model selection

3. The future: protein data, meat science, joint modelling, data visualisation…

Robust statistics

The past:

PhD and postdoc at Sydney University

  • Inference in quantile regression models

  • Robust scale estimator
  • Robust covariance and autocovariance (short and long range dependence)
  • Robust precision matrix estimation (with regularisation for sparsity)

\(P_n\): our robust scale estimator

  • Given data \(\mathbf{X}=(X_1,\ldots,X_n)\), consider the \(U\)-statistic based on the pairwise mean kernel, \[U_n(\mathbf{X}) = {n\choose 2}^{-1}\sum_{i<j}\color{blue}{\frac{X_i + X_j}{2}}.\]
  • Let \(H(t) = P(\color{blue}{(X_i + X_j)/2}\leq t)\) be the cdf of the kernels with corresponding empirical distribution function, \[H_n(t)= {n\choose 2}^{-1}\sum_{i<j} \mathbb{1} \left\{\color{blue}{\frac{X_i + X_j}{2}}\leq t \right\},\quad \text{ for }t\in\mathbb{R}.\] For \(0<p<1\), let \(H_n^{-1}(p) := \inf\{t : H_n(t)\geq p\}\).
  • We define \(P_n\) as the interquartile range of the pairwise means: \[P_n = H_n^{-1}(3/4) - H_n^{-1}(1/4).\]

Why another scale estimator?

Location Scale Properties
Mean Standard deviation Efficient at normal but not robust
Median Interquartile Range Robust but not efficient
Hodges-Lehmann estimator \(P_n\) Good robustness and efficiency properties

  • The Hodges-Lehmann estimator of location is the median of the pairwise means.
  • \(P_n\) is the interquartile range of the pairwise means.

Why pairwise means?

Consider 10 observations drawn from \(\mathcal{N}(0,1)\).

Bounded influence function

The influence curve for a functional \(T\) at distribution \(F\) is \[\operatorname{IF}(x;T,F) = \lim_{\epsilon\downarrow0}\frac{T((1-\epsilon)F+\epsilon\delta_{x}) - T(F)}{\epsilon}\] where \(\delta_{x}\) has all its mass at \(x\).

Influence curve for \(P_{n}\)

Assuming that \(F\) has derivative \(f>0\) on \([F^{-1}(\epsilon),F^{-1}(1-\epsilon)]\) for all \(\epsilon>0\),

\[ \begin{aligned} IF(x; \color{blue}{P_{n}},F) & = \left [ \frac{ 0.75 - F(2H_{F}^{-1}(0.75)-x)}{\int f(2H_{F}^{-1}(0.75) - x)f(x)dx} \right. \\ & \qquad\qquad \left. - \frac{0.25 - F(2H_{F}^{-1}(0.25)-x)}{\int f(2H_{F}^{-1}(0.25) - x)f(x)dx} \right]. \end{aligned} \]

Bounded influence function

Bounded influence function


  • Bounded influence function
  • When the underlying observations are independent, \(P_n\) is asymptotically normal with variance given by the expected square of the influence function.
  • When the underlying data are independent Gaussian, \(P_n\) has an asymptotic efficiency of 86%.
  • Breakdown value of 13%.
Tarr, Müller, and Weber (2012)


  • Bounded influence function
  • When the underlying observations are independent, \(P_n\) is asymptotically normal with varaince given by the expected square of the influence function.
  • When the underlying data are independent Gaussian, \(P_n\) has an asymptotic efficiency of 86%.
  • Breakdown value of 13%.
Tarr, Müller, and Weber (2012)

  • Also looked at the distribution of the estimator under short and long range dependence
  • LRD turned out to be very complicated
  • Took a step back and looked at the interquartile range
Tarr, Weber, and Müller (2015)

Cellwise contamination

A key component of my PhD looked at estimating precision matrices for data contaminated in a cellwise manner.

Important for:

  • high dimensional data
  • automated data collection and analysis methods
  • e.g. -omics type data

Often sparsity is assumed, i.e. the precision matrix will have many zero entries.

Cellwise contamination

A key component of my PhD looked at estimating precision matrices for data contaminated in a cellwise manner.

Important for:

  • high dimensional data
  • automated data collection and analysis methods
  • e.g. -omics type data

Often sparsity is assumed, i.e. the precision matrix will have many zero entries.

Cellwise contamination

A key component of my PhD looked at estimating precision matrices for data contaminated in a cellwise manner.

Important for:

  • high dimensional data
  • automated data collection and analysis methods
  • e.g. -omics type data

Often sparsity is assumed, i.e. the precision matrix will have many zero entries.

Cellwise contamination

A key component of my PhD looked at estimating precision matrices for data contaminated in a cellwise manner.

Important for:

  • high dimensional data
  • automated data collection and analysis methods
  • e.g. -omics type data

Often sparsity is assumed, i.e. the precision matrix will have many zero entries.

Cellwise contamination

A key component of my PhD looked at estimating precision matrices for data contaminated in a cellwise manner.

Important for:

  • high dimensional data
  • automated data collection and analysis methods
  • e.g. -omics type data

Often sparsity is assumed, i.e. the precision matrix will have many zero entries.

Financial example

Aim: to estimate the dependence structure with S&P 500 stocks over the period 01/01/2003 to 01/01/2008 (before the GFC).

  • We have \(n=1258\) obervations (trading days) over \(p=452\) dimensions (stocks).
  • Observe \(S_{t,j}\) the closing price of stock \(j\) on day \(t\) for \(j=1,\ldots,p\) and \(t=1,\ldots,n\).
  • Look at the return series \(X_{t,j} = \log\left(\frac{S_{t,j}}{S_{t-1,j}}\right)\).
  • We want to estimate a sparse precision matrix where the zero entries correspond to (conditional) independence between the stocks.

How: using the graphical lasso with a robust covariance matrix as the input.

Tarr, Müller, and Weber (2015)

What's the graphical lasso?

The graphical lasso minimises the penalised negative Gaussian log-likelihood: over non-negative definite matrices \(\boldsymbol{\Theta}\): \[f(\boldsymbol{\Theta})= \text{tr}(\hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}\boldsymbol{\Theta})-\log |\boldsymbol{\Theta}| + \lambda||\boldsymbol{\Theta}||_{1}, \] where \(||\boldsymbol{\Theta}||_1\) is the \(L_1\) norm, \(\lambda\) is a tuning parameter for the amount of shrinkage and \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}\) is a sample covariance matrix.

Friedman, Hastie, and Tibshirani (2008)

Why? Sparsity!

Financial example

X = log(stockdata$data[2:1258,]/stockdata$data[1:1257,])
for(i in 1:6) ts.plot(X[,i],main=stockdata$info[i,3],ylab="Return")

Classical approach

Robust approach

Classical approach (extra contamination)

Robust approach (extra contamination)

Take home messages

Robust methods

  • Robustness has always been quite niche, but it deserves more attention
  • Analysing real data means dealing with errant observations
  • Having reliable methods to deal with these observations is important

Cellwise contamination

  • With big data comes big problems
  • Traditional robust methods can fail
  • Downweighting rows is no longer appropriate

Model selection

The present:

Model selection

  • Started working in this area last year during a post doc at ANU.

Some notation

  • Say we have a full model with an \(n\times p\) design matrix \(\mathbf{X}\).
  • Let \(\alpha\) be any subset of \(p_\alpha\) distinct elements from \(\{1,\ldots,p\}\).
  • We can define a \(n\times p_\alpha\) submodel with design matrix \(\mathbf{X}_\alpha\) subset from \(\mathbf{X}\) by the elements of \(\alpha\).
  • Denote the set of all possible models as \(\mathcal{A}=\{\{1\},\ldots,\alpha_f\}\).

A smörgåsbord of tuning parameters…

Information Criterion

  • Generalised IC: \(\text{GIC}(\alpha;\lambda) = -2\times \text{LogLik}(\alpha)+\lambda p_\alpha\)

With important special cases:

  • AIC: \(\lambda=2\)
  • BIC: \(\lambda = \log(n)\)
  • HQIC: \(\lambda= 2\log(\log(n))\)

Regularisation routines

  • Lasso: minimises \(-\text{LogLik}(\alpha) +\lambda\ ||\beta_\alpha||_1\)
  • Many variants of the Lasso, SCAD,…

A stability based approach


To provide scientists and researchers with tools that give them more information about the model selection choices that they are making.


  • interactive graphical tools
  • exhaustive searches (where feasible)
  • bootstrapping to assess selection stability

Concept of model stability independently introduced by Meinshausen and Bühlmann (2010) and Müller and Welsh (2010) for different models.

Diabetes example

Variable Description
age Age
sex Gender
bmi Body mass index
map Mean arterial pressure (average blood pressure)
tc Total cholesterol (mg/dL)
ldl Low-density lipoprotein ("bad" cholesterol)
hdl High-density lipoprotein ("good" cholesterol)
tch Blood serum measurement
ltg Blood serum measurement
glu Blood serum measurement (glucose?)
y A quantitative measure of disease progression one year after baseline
Source: Efron, B., Hastie, T., Johnstone, I., Tibshirani, R., (2004). "Least angle regression. The Annals of Statistics 32 (2): 407-499. doi:10.1214/009053604000000067

Variable inclusion plots


To visualise inclusion probabilities as a function of the penalty multiplier \(\lambda\in [0,2\log(n)]\).


  1. Calculate (weighted) bootstrap samples \(b=1,\ldots,B\).
  2. For each bootstrap sample, at each \(\lambda\) value, find \(\hat{\alpha}_\lambda^{(b)}\in\mathcal{A}\) as the model with smallest \(\text{GIC}(\alpha;\lambda) = -2\times \text{LogLik}(\alpha)+\lambda p_\alpha\).
  3. The inclusion probability for variable \(x_j\) is estimated as \(\frac{1}{B}\sum_{b=1}^B 1\{j\in \hat{\alpha}_\lambda^{(b)}\}\).


  • Müller and Welsh (2010) for linear regression models
  • Murray, Heritier, and Müller (2013) for generalised linear models

Diabetes example – VIP

Model stability plots


To add value to the loss against size plots by choosing a symbol size proportional to a measure of stability.


  1. Calculate (weighted) bootstrap samples \(b=1,\ldots,B\).
  2. For each bootstrap sample, identify the best model at each dimension.
  3. Add this information to the loss against size plot using model identifiers that are proportional to the frequency with which a model was identified as being best at each model size.


  • Murray, Heritier, and Müller (2013) for generalised linear models

Artificial example – Model stability plot

Adaptive fence

Get it on Github


Main functions

  • af() for the adaptive fence
  • vis() for VIP and model stability plots
  • bglmnet() bootstrapping glmnet
  • mplot() for an interactive shiny interface

Diabetes example

Tarr, Müller, and Welsh (2015)

Take home messages

Concept of "model stability"

  • Relatively new
  • Should be used more often

Still to do:

  • Approximating linear mixed models by linear models (with Alan Welsh, ANU)
  • Approximating generalised linear models by linear models (with Samuel Mueller, USYD)
  • Implement other models, e.g. Cox type models
  • The role of robust analysis in model selection

The future

Projects underway (or soon to be)

  • Melanoma prognosis prediction using protein data (with Jean Yang, USYD)

  • Predicting the eating quality of beef and lamb (with Meat and Livestock Australia + international collaborators)

  • Model selection in joint models (with Irene Hudson, UON)

  • R packages for interactive data visualisation - bringing the power of D3 to R (edgebundleR, pairsD3)


Friedman, Jerome, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani. 2008. “Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation with the Graphical Lasso.” Biostatistics 9 (3): 432–41. doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxm045.

Meinshausen, N, and P Bühlmann. 2010. “Stability Selection.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 72 (4): 417–73. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2010.00740.x.

Murray, K, S Heritier, and S Müller. 2013. “Graphical Tools for Model Selection in Generalized Linear Models.” Statistics in Medicine 32 (25): 4438–51. doi:10.1002/sim.5855.

Müller, S, and AH Welsh. 2010. “On Model Selection Curves.” International Statistical Review 78 (2): 240–56. doi:10.1111/j.1751-5823.2010.00108.x.

Tarr, G, S Müller, and NC Weber. 2012. “A Robust Scale Estimator Based on Pairwise Means.” Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 24 (1): 187–99. doi:10.1080/10485252.2011.621424.

———. 2015. “Robust Estimation of Precision Matrices Under Cellwise Contamination.” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis to appear. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2015.02.005.

Tarr, G, S Müller, and AH Welsh. 2015. mplot: Graphical Model Stability and Model Selection Procedures.

Tarr, G, NC Weber, and S Müller. 2015. “The Difference of Symmetric Quantiles Under Long Range Dependence.” Statistics & Probability Letters 98: 144–50. doi:10.1016/j.spl.2014.12.022.